At St. Sidwell's, we strive to include as wide a range of activities as possible and include details below of our current extra-curricular club offer. We understand the impact that extra-curricular activities have on children’s learning and development including:
Expanding children's social circle and boosting confidence to interact with a wider range of people;
Development of social, emotional and communication skills;
Evolving further skills, interests and passions outside of the school curriculum.
We are also very lucky that many of our children are keen to organise and run clubs of their own, developing their skills even further.
We are delighted to be partnering with Premier Education to deliver before and after school clubs for our children on roll at the school. Clubs take place in the school hall and run from 07:45 in the morning and until 18:00 in the evening. Bookings can be made via the following link.
St Sidwell's School Council is made up of 12 children who are elected by their class to represent them. They meet every 2 weeks to discuss issues and think of creative ideas of how to improve the school.
The Eco Committee are an enthusiastic, environmentally-conscious group of Year 5 children who are keen to make a difference to our school and the wider world. They are working on the Eco-Schools programme which provides a simple, seven-step framework that empowers young people to make a difference in their school, local community and beyond. Since 1994, millions of young people around the world have worked through the Eco-Schools Seven Steps before being recognised for their efforts with a prestigious Eco-Schools Green Flag.
Schools connect their activities to three or more of the Ten Eco-Schools Topics. These topics break large, global issues like climate change into more manageable and directed themes that prompt young people to consider environmental changes that they can make in their school and everyday lives.
Music is part of our general curriculum and will be taught to all children in lessons.
In addition to this St Sidwell's also offers opportunities for children to learn to play instruments individually. These lessons are run by external providers and we currently have teachers who visit for the following instruments:
If you are interested in flute, saxophone, piano, guitar or violin lessons please contact 'Music Devon' on 01392 411143 to organise these.
If you are interested in Drumming lessons please contact IMS Music on 07882 261182.
Children in years 4 and 5 have also been learning to play brass instruments in the Summer term over the last few years and this opportunity is funded by the Friends of St Sidwell's School.
Devon Music Services also offer a musical instrument hiring service for a small fee. Please contact the music services team on 01392 287235 or email them on
Please do come and speak to the office staff for more information.
Our strong links with St. Matt's Church are extended into a wonderful after school club. The club features a range of craft activities that also provides opportunities for spiritual reflection.
Every Monday and Tuesday, Premier Education offer the children the chance to take part in a range of different sports. These take place on the court, and range from football, basketball, netball, team games etc.
Knitting is a great skill to learn. It requires concentration and a steady hand. Children enjoy spending time learning how to knit whilst socialising with their friends at lunchtime.
Learning how to communicate using British Sign Language is a useful life skill. It adds to the inclusive culture and ethos of our school. The children start by learning the alphabet and then build up to being able to sign a simple conversation with someone else, asking and answering questions. We learn how to sign songs and we share these in Worship with the rest of the school.
Our Digital Leaders do a great job of ensuring that our IT equipment is well looked after.
They are responsible for making sure our class Chrome Books are always fully charged, and that they are put away safely at the end of each day.
They also take responsibility for making sure that the KS1 ipads are looked after and they help the younger children with putting them away and on charge.
It is because of our Digital Leaders that we always have access to technology to support our learning across the curriculum.
Year 1 and Year 2 children love spending lunchtimes in GOAL Club (Get On and Learn) where they get to explore lots of different ideas through exciting activities. These sessions are led by the children, following lines of enquiry and the children's interests.
Our KS1 lego club is run by Mrs Clarke and allows the children to show of their creativity, as well as build their colloboration skills.
We are also very lucky that our wonderful children also contribute our clubs by getting stcuk in and organising many by themselves.
One of these is crochet club - the children have been using textured wool to create 'worry worms'.
A lovely club run by a group of Year 6s combining crafts with storytelling and quiet reading time.
Another amazing club ran by our Year 6 children - the children have been challenging each other to a game of chess as well as teaching other children how to play.