Year 6

 Mr WaldenMr Walden - Class Teacher                                Mrs Weir - Teaching Assistant

Welcome to Year 6!


My name is Mr. Walden, I am the class teacher, and our class is supported by Mrs. Statton, Mrs Goff, Mrs Jones and Mrs Weir.

In Year 6, we follow a daily routine where Maths, English and Reading are taught every morning, and foundation subjects throughout the afternoons. We make learning fun, engaging and interactive, drawing on our strengths to find the light in ourselves and each other.

Each day begins with some early morning Maths retrieval work, consolidating the children’s learning from prior weeks. We then have a class Maths lesson, following the Whiterose Scheme, where fluency, reasoning and problem solving is embedded. Often we will break into smaller groups for our learning and we aim to develop as much independence as we can.

After break, we have our English lesson. Each term we base our writing upon a book we are reading in class. Throughout the year, this includes narratives (such as Beowulf, Inside the Villains and Varjak Paw) and non-fiction texts (including Shackleton’s Journey, My Secret War Diary and Wallace and Gromit’s Cracking Contraptions). We explore word and sentence level work in all lessons, with a strong focus on developing language for our EAL pupils. We then work collaboratively and build shared writing, using discussion and peer feedback to develop writing together as a class. Finally, every child will apply what they have learned in an independent write.

In May, the Year 6 children will sit their SATs (Standard Assessment Tests) which measure their progress against other Year 6 children nationally. The children work steadily towards these, without them becoming the main focus of the year or something that they should worry about.

Our foundation subjects offer each and every child to learn and develop across a broad range of areas. In Science, we explore light and electricity, animals and their habitats and evolution. In History and Geography, we explore a range of local and global topics, including Fair Trade, World War 2 and the Cholera outbreak in Victorian Exeter. The children will also explore a range of topics in Art, Music, DT, PSHE and RE – all enhancing the light in ourselves and each other.

Every week, the children take part in two PE sessions. One of these will be led by Premier Sports, the other by myself. This includes a half term of swimming at St. Sidwell’s Point.

Throughout the year, our learning is enhanced by trips and visitors. Recently, these have included a visit to the RAMM, a visit to Dawlish Warren and workshops with visiting professionals.

Towards the end of the year, we go on a Year 6 residential. In recent years, this has included visits to Dartmoor or the coast for outdoor adventurous activities. This year, we will be making a cultural visit to Bristol for two days, visiting museums and exhibitions and watching a performance of War Horse at the Bristol Hippodrome one evening.

Thank you for taking the time to read about our class. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions about our year in Year 6.

For more information about the learning in Year 6, click this link to our Curriculum Newsletters for parents:
