Year 1

Mrs ClarkeMrs Clarke - Class Teacher

Welcome to Year 1!

Thank you for visiting our class page! Our names are Mrs Clarke and Mrs Beards and we are the year 1 teachers. Mrs Barnes and Ms Wootton are our teaching assistants and they work with us every day. 

In Year 1, we love to learn and we do this in lots of different ways. We often work collaboratively and enjoy learning in practical ways, especially during our GOAL time (Get On And Learn). We have high expectations of ourselves and always put maximum effort into our learning. Some of our favourite activities include singing, making things and building! One of our favourite topics is always learning about the Great Fire of London. The children love showing off their knowledge by building the narrow streets of London and the house of Samuel Pepys!  

Throughout the Year in Year 1, we will go on some trips and visits in our local area to enhance our learning. These trips include a walk around our local area to observe our local geography and an exciting trip to the zoo in the summer, as part of our learning about animals! We will also look at interesting artefacts and resources to further our understanding during topics.

We participate in daily worships and are given the opportunity to have reflection time in our spiritual spaces. Through our RE and Jigsaw (PSHE) curriculum children in Year 1 can explore their feelings, emotions and faith in a safe space. 

We encourage children to listen and show respect and understand that it is ok to ask questions. Our school values underpin everything we do in the day, from our learning, to the time spent playing and eating lunch. In Year 1 we try and create a calm, safe and welcoming atmosphere by always being Ready, Respectful and Safe. 

Parents, please keep a close eye on our class Dojo page as we will use this weekly to keep you up to date with messages and exciting photographs showing what we have been up to in school.      


For more information about the learning in Year 1, click this link to our Curriculum Newsletters for parents:
