Mrs May - Teaching Assistant
Thank you for visiting our class page! My name is Miss Gallagher, I am the class teacher and so excited to be working in Year 3! We are also lucky to have the fantastic support from Mrs May, our Year 3 Teaching Assistant. We also have help from the lovely Mr Christian (Premier Education) who teaches us on a Friday afternoon.
In Year 3, we love to learn, we are enthusiastic and energetic! Some of our favourite activities involve group discussions, collaborative working and learning in practical ways. We have high expectations of ourselves and always put maximum effort into learning. We also quite enjoy bursting into song every now and then - Miss Gallagher certainly enjoys this too!
Throughout the Year we will go on lots of Trips and Visits in our local area to enhance our learning and school life. These trips include attending Swimming lessons in the Autumn Term, the showdown dance festival, a Christmas pantomime/theatre trip, pizza making in the Summer with the team at Exeter College and more! We are also fortunate to work with local museums and the Devon Library trust to bring our learning to life through engaging texts and artefacts, a particular treat in History when we are looking at the development and changes in lives throughout the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.
In KS2 there are many extra curricular opportunities for children to take part in, it really is a very busy and exciting time. Throughout the year, children can take part in a range of lunchtime clubs including Choir, Knitting, Sign Language, Craft, Writing and much more! Children also have the opportunity to join in with extra curricular activities after school such as Football, Bible Craft Club and Dance.
As part of our Christian Distinctiveness we participate in daily worships and are given the opportunity to have reflection time in our spiritual spaces, whether this is in our prayer space outside the classroom or in our spiritual garden on the playground. Through our RE and Jigsaw (PSHE) curriculum children in Year 3 can explore their feelings, emotions and faith in a safe space. We focus on the 'spirituality' and 'reflection' regularly and how this does not always mean following a religion or faith. Together, we look at what this means to us as individuals, to our peers and what this means to our local community and our school.
We encourage children to listen and show respect and understand that it is ok to ask questions. Our school values underpin everything we do in the day, from our learning, to the time spent playing and eating lunch. In Year 3 we try and create a calm, safe and welcoming atmosphere by always being Ready, Respectful and Safe. Above all, we show Love!
Above all, in Year 3 we know that we are all special, unique and ready to learn!