Mrs Fiona May - Teaching Assistant
Thank you for visiting our class page! My name is Miss Gallagher, I am the class teacher and so excited to be working in Year 3! We are also lucky to have the fantastic support from Mrs May, our Year 3 Teaching Assistant.
In Year 3, we love to learn, we are enthusiastic and energetic! Some of our favourite activities involve group discussions, collaborative working and learning in practical ways. We have high expectations of ourselves and always put maximum effort into learning.
I will update throughout the term so please keep checking back in to see what we have been up to!
In English this term we have been continuing to develop our independent writing based on our class story 'Oliver and the Seawigs'. The children seem to have really enjoyed this text and the creative opportunities it has given them. We completed our own version of part of the story - paying particular attention to the vocabulary we used and how we could improve our writing. We are about to start our new book 'Until I met Dudley' - it's going to be another fun one!
We're at a really important time in our Mathematical learning. This term we are building on prior knowledge to support our understanding of measurements and fractions in order to develop our learning further. We are also working really hard on learning our 2's, 3' and 4 times tables - it's so important that we are confident and secure with retrieval and fluency of our times tables as we prepare to move into Year 4. There are lots of things we are doing in school to support our understanding and LOTS of things you can do at home too! Remember to access TTRS at home and please ask if there is anything else I can help with - some children have already taken booklets home to support their quick retrieval and confidence.
Design Technology
Our DT topic has really been making us question and think hard this term! We are learning about Pneumatics. We started our learning by looking at the word alone and predicting what we thought it might mean and why we thought that. Then, we conducted research through videos and books to find out what Pneumatics means (the process of moving something with air). The next stage in our learning involved a practical lesson, investigating which method of Pneumatics would be the most efficient (we had so much fun!). By the end of the term we should have designed, made a reflected on our own toy using Pneumatics. Keep your eyes peeled for more great photos on DOJO!
We've been visiting America in Geography. Children have been excited about exploring 'the sunshine state' and delving into the world of Disneyland. Year 3 have been carrying out some research to expand their knowledge of Florida and other states in America - they needed to retrieve 5 facts about their chosen state and record them in their books - why don't you ask them and see what they can remember?
Computer safety is always at the heart of our Computing Lessons. This term however, we are specifically focusing on how to stay safe when writing, sending and receiving emails. The children have not only been refreshing their typing skills in order to compose emails, but have also been focused on what they should and shouldn't send. Importantly we have been focusing on what to do if we receive something we don't like or that makes us feel uncomfortable. The answer - before you hit send or open an unknown file, ask a trusted grown up for help!
Jigsaw (PSHE)
In our Jigsaw lessons this term we have been focusing on 'Healthy me'. This topic encouraged us to think about how we can keep ourselves physically and emotionally healthy. Here we are learning about carbohydrates and sugar content in food! There were a few surprises along the way!
The children have been working incredibly hard this term in all areas of their learning, and have had some amazing experiences.
They were visited by an illustrator, Clare Elsom, who told the children all about her work and then led an illustration session to teach the children how to draw one of her characters. I wonder if we have any budding illustrators in Year 3?
To support the children's Science learning, they took a visit to Exeter College where they learnt how to cook pizzas! Don't they look delicious?
To bring their Iron Age learning to life, Tiverton Museum supplied some interesting artefacts for the children to explore. The children also used their learning, combined with their DT skills, to create some Iron Age Hillforts and Roundhouses. They were very impressive!
Year 3 have continued to work incredibly hard on improving their writing. They have been looking at the book 'The Beasties', and creating their own story maps ready to write their own version. The children have also spent time this term exploring poetry through the text 'Beachcomber' by George Mackay. Using a variety of poetic techniques, the children have written their own and performed them to the class, which has helped develop their oracy skills and build their confidence in performing to an audience.
Year 3 continue to develop their fluency and understanding of their 3, 4 and 8 Times Tables - weekly practise is so important and it is really making a difference! We're also recapping time, as it can be a hard concept to grasp and is something that needs to be revisited over time.
It has already been a super busy term! The children have settled in so well and are adjusting to life in Year 3, they are rising to the challenges given to them and seem to really be enjoying themselves. Have a look at what we've been getting up to below:
Children have been securing their knowledge of Subtraction and Addition, learning new techniques to answer more challenging questions in Maths. We continue to practice our 2 and 5 times tables in order to increase our confidence and fluency.
In English we have been writing instructional texts based on our text ‘Outdoor Wonderland’, children to make a product using only natural materials and resources and then compose some step by step instructions about how they did it. Children have been focused on how to compose an instructional text using appropriate layout devices including bullet points and subheadings.
This term we are focusing on the big question 'What do Christians learn from the Creation story?'. This big question has encouraged children to engage in deep conversations and given them a safe space to question and try and find meanings behind some of the themes in Genesis. We have explored what 'good' means to Christians, in our school and to ourselves and encouraged each other to listen to opposing views to ours and take time to understand them.
It's all about Forces this term! Year 3 have been busy developing their understanding of what Forces are, how they work and how we can change them. We have been introduced to lots of key vocabulary such as; Forces, Contact forces, Friction, Magnets and many, many more. Year 3 have had hands on experience changing forces between objects and have shown some great knowledge and skill!
We had some explaining to do when our Cleaner Lisa came in at the end of our first lesson - Charcoal was involved! It's been great fun watching the children explore different drawing techniques using Charcoal. They had the opportunity to 'have a go' and not worry about 'it being perfect', we discussed how every piece of Art is unique and that all Art starts off with some scribbles, mistakes and is never right the first time. The children played around using Stippling, Circulism, Hatching, Shading and Smudging to explore the versatility of Charcoal!
We've travelled back to Pre-History this term - The Stone Age! I can confidently say that this has been a particular favourite for Year 3, in lessons they are super keen to share ideas, facts and make predictions about what they think happened. We have had the opportunity to look at a range of artefacts and explore their significance in the Stone Age. A big thank you to the Devon Libraries who have provided all of our fantastic texts (For History and Science) - the children are always so excited for Silent reading time when they can get up and grab one!